New York Fashion Week 2012

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Lia sophia created an exciting presence at New York Fashion Week February 12-14 at the Empire Hotel. The chic lounge was a top destination for celebrities, editors, sylists, and industry notables to preview the new lia sophia Red Carpet Collection, Zingara, and check out top picks from the new Spring/Summer catalog.  A good time was had by all, and the new pieces look amazing.

5 days until the Big Day

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It’s almost here, the new Spring/Summer Lia Sophia Catalog. Color is BIG BIG BIG this season. A pop of color in a ring, bracelet, necklace or earrings can transform any winter’s neutral clothing into an early spring statement. Those awesome bracelets are available in two sizes for the first time ever, and five new styles even have the lia sophia logo featured on them. This is the perfect time to add to your Lia Sophia Collection or become a new Lia Sophia Lover. Whatever you’re looking for I’m sure the new catalog has just the answer you need. Just hold on for 5 more days!!


September Means Fall Fashion is Here!

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Look Who Loves the New Lia Sophia Collection…..

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Posted on Paris Hilton’s Twitter this morning

 @ParisHilton: Love all the beautiful new pieces of jewelry I got from Lia Sophia’s new collection.

Fall/Winter Style

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It’s almost time, the new catalog is set to be released on July 11th. I’ve already gotten a sneak peek and I can honestly say I’m in LOVE. Everyone has their own style, their own way of wearing the pieces they love. I seem to have become a “Vintage Girl” over the years. Not crazy old school vintage, more of a modern-day pop on old vintage pieces. Heck I even had a Vintage themed wedding. I love the way the jewelry shouts class and sophistication while still allowing me to enjoy my 30s. The first couple of pages of the new Lia Catalog have my name written all over it and it’s hard to choose just one favorite piece.  I can’t wait to share the new line…Let the Countdown Begin!!

The Jewelry Rut


We all do it, probably more  than others…wear that same piece of jewelry every day of the week. It’s not as bad or as noticeable as wearing the same shirt in the same week, or even worse the same socks (yuck), but it is a sad routine that we hopelessly succumb to on any given occasion. I’m not exempt from this ritual, sometimes I don’t even realize how much I do it. As a walking billboard I have tons of jewelry at my disposal to wear, but sometimes it’s just easier to grab those silver ball earrings and silver chain, throw it on, and hurry out the door.  Why we do it…who knows? How do you break that habit…increase your options! If all else fails…keep wearing those silver ball earrings and silver chain; any jewelry is better than going outside naked!

Oprah Loves Lia Sophia

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Did anyone have a chance to check out the last couple of Oprah Shows…I’m sure you did. Once again Oprah wore her Coliseum earrings from Lia Sophia. She absolutely loves those earrings…I know this because I’ve seen her wear them multiple times on her show and I’ve seen them on the cover of O while shamelessly perusing through the magazine waiting in line to pay for my groceries. I wish I had become an advisor before they retired the earrings and the bracelet … I definitely would have them in my collection. Here’s hoping that  the new Fall/Winter catalog due out in August marks a return of these popular pieces…Maybe Oprah can send her good vibes our way!! 

Hello World

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So I’ve decided to start a blog. I always feel like I have lots to say and not enough people to say it to.  Enter… a BLOG where I can talk all of the time!  I can’t wait to hear what everyone else’s thoughts are too! So what can you expect here. Mostly, lots of fun and interesting conversation. Throw in a little jewelry talk and you’ve got a great reason to procrastinate at work. Granted, since I am blogging about Lia Sophia jewelry it’s probably best to incorporate something related to the jewelry in conversation, but I suppose it’s not absolutely necessary! I sell Lia Sophia and I love it. I love the compliments I get, I love the pieces I get in the mail, it’s just all around a good time. So I’ll share my thoughts, you share yours, and we’ll see how long we can keep this going!!